One sad thing to note is that my aunt Dee (Mom's younger sister) just passed away yesterday afternoon after a long battle with breast cancer. It's a sad time, but we're grateful for the wonderful life she lead and that she is no longer suffering. She just turned 47 last Tuesday, and she left behind her husband Brant, 24 yr old daughter Taryn, 22 yr old daughter Abbi, and 12 yr old son Chaim. While my heart aches for them, we can all take comfort in knowing that she is undoubtedly in heaven now. It was awesome to see how many lives she's touched over the years, as so many people came to visit her and share such wonderful things about her these last couple weeks. I'm very grateful I was able to spend some time with her and my uncle and cousins. There will be a private family graveside service at 10am on Saturday morning, followed by a lunch at her church at noon, and then a "celebration of life" at 2pm. Dee didn't want anyone to wear dark colors and be sad on this day, so she requested that everyone wear bright cheery colors to the celebration and enjoy themselves. She wanted us to play "Spirit in the Sky", and we will be letting off 200 smiley face (she loved and collected yellow smilies) balloons in her honor, at the end of the celebration...She is very loved and will be missed by so many. Love you Aunt Dee!
And finally, here are some recent pics...

Me with old friend, Angie, from school
Me and Michelle before a girls night out in February
Me and Michelle at a b-day party for her husband's friend last weekend
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